Monday, December 21, 2009

Will This Lemon Cleanse Make Me Thinner?

Does the lemon cleanse in which u have lemons maple syrup and cayenne pepper mixed with water actually work? Some say it will make u weigh less by getting rid of the inside junk (like extra mucus) but doesn't physically change your appearance....while others swear it makes them thinner. So basically, my question is...Will i fit into my skinny jeans doing this cleanse? And approx. how many pounds?Will This Lemon Cleanse Make Me Thinner?
It doesn't really make you lose weight unless you do it for a long @ss time. It's supposed to just be a body cleanse to get rid of a lot of toxins, not a diet. And you're only supposed to do it for 4 days.

Also, using honey works a lot better than maple syrup. It has a lot more nutrients. Look it up :)Will This Lemon Cleanse Make Me Thinner?
I never tired it..but I want to (just for the cleansing part not the weight lost)

I also hear that if you don't continue to eat right after you do it, you'll gain the weight right back.

I lost weight just by watching what I ate. I used to eat a lot of junk food during the day and I also ate pastries for breakfast. I cut out all of that and only ate things that can fly or swim. If it moos or oinks, I didn't eat it. Working out also helped me lose the weight and your body feels so much better.

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