Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Has anyone ever tried to fast and cleanse?

If so..... what regimen did you follow and how did that work out for you?Has anyone ever tried to fast and cleanse?

Bragg has a great book.

I've done brown rice fasts.

Miso soup fasts

Juice fasts

Vegetable fasts

Apple cider vinegar and honey fasts

Elimination diets

Candida diet

-- to avoid flu symptoms, sweat in sauna or 30 min in bath daily, and get exercise at least 10-40 minutes daily.

-- yoga is nice

-- keep bowels moving with enemas, colon hydrotherapy, or laxative herbs like aloe vera or dr. christopher's intestinal formulas 1 or 2.

-- tons of water.\

You can do 1 day or weekend fasts which are best ways to start.

The longest I did was 3-4 weeks.

2 weeks is ideal and slowly start reintroducing food groups every few days. Remember it takes 2x as long to break a fast as to begin one.

The 4 week one, I was very weak.

According to Chinese medicine, it's dangerous to do extended ones. Food is so powerful, try doing some short term tapas (sanskrit).Has anyone ever tried to fast and cleanse?
I did a slow fast. Sorry I just had to say that. I did a juice fast. After the third day the headaches went away and I had lots of energy. Fasting is ok if you don't have a busy schedule. Its best to find a health clinic that you can use for a few days. They will provide the juices and advice for fasting.

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